I love making quick appetizers and this is one my favorites that people always ask the recipe for. I like to keep my food simple, healthy, whole foods as possibly, yet super yummy and this fits the description. I made these while my Foods students were working on Gingerbread houses today and baked them right before our staff party. I had thawed a batch of my crock pot black beans and brought along the rest of the ingredients from home. Yes, I am blessed to work in a kitchen where I can cook my appetizer for work. I served the half rolls on a diagonal with Ranch and salsa.
The spread of food was amazing and I should have taken a picture, silly me, but I was overwhelmed with a big surprise. My principal awarded little me, the teacher of the month! I can’t tell you how honored I was to be chosen since this is my first full year of teaching after 14 years. God is so good and I am so blessed. I didn’t feel as if I deserved the very first brass apple since I was the newbie of the school. However, I humbly accepted and thank God for the opportunity to work at a wonderful supportive high school environment.
Just four more days and I will be on Christmas break with my family until the New Year. Oh how blessed I am.
What do you have to be thankful for today?