My six-year-old was sick this weekend which put me behind in my usual Monday post. Thankfully, he’s on the mend and we’re heading to a pool party this afternoon. I did manage to write my menu on my DIY menu board which I love. Check it out here. I also am keeping things really simple around here until school is out on June 12. Hoorah, it’s almost here. I hope your week is filled with blessings!
- Leftovers
- Southwest Freezer Wraps, fresh veggies
- Meatball Subs {how to cook and freeze 8 dozen meatballs}, Microwave Restaurant Baked Potatoes
- Sandwiches, salad with guiltless Ranch
- Asian Sesame Honey Chicken, hibachi zucchini and onions, brown rice
- Hotdog Cookout for Eighth Graders, kids bringing sides
- Grilled Cilantro Lime Chicken, Mexican Rice {how to freeze brown rice}, grilled veggies
What’s on your menu this week?