Our recent camping trip to the beach turned out to be the most expensive, but memorable one yet. It’s all how how you look at the glass. I’m going to look at it half full and say God is good. He got us to the beach five hours later than we intended because our truck broke down about six times on the Interstate. But God is faithful and our Suburban started right back up and kept going until we got it to the garage in Savannah. Turns out there was no time for our fix at 4:00 in the afternoon. We were twenty miles away from our camping destination and weren’t sure if we could make it and we actually thought about camping in the Wal-Mart parking lot. However, the dealership assured us our truck would keep doing as it was turning it self off and starting back so we attempted the haul.
Funny message on campground sign read: Got Stress. Go Camping
It was stressful, but we made it! The next we got our Suburban to the Chevy dealership and waited for the call. The end result was a $900 fix and gulp, we had to take it to rest peacefully hauling the camper back up the mountains to our place we call home.
In addition to our truck bill, our A/C guy called to confirm that our compresser back home was shot and we needed a whole new heat pump. JOY, is all I can say. When it rains, it pours. But God is so faithful and I choose to believe it. He provided me a temporary teaching job back in February and we have the extra funds to pay for our unexpected mishaps. I realized God expected it to all happen and that’s why He is our provider.
I choose JOY over stress and see all the good that came from our camping beach trip.
1. The kids had fun fishing and actually caught blue crab, fish and won prizes at the Kid’s fishing tournament at Folly Beach.
2. We had plenty of good eats since I had a camping menu plan. We only ate subs once at the pier while the kids were fishing.
3. My boys spent time with our nephew we brought along on the trip. My oldest daughter went to church camp and came down on Friday with her uncle and they camped with us.
4. My youngest daughter spent time with my parents in Chapin, SC. Thank goodness she didn’t have to endure the heat and waiting in the car shops, etc.
5. Our family made priceless memories together. It was worth it and more.
6. We made it home safely without any worries and the check engine light did not come on.
7. It was cooler in our house than in was in SC. Instead of 97 it was the cool 76.
Now we are praying for wisdom for our heat pump bids. I’m also praying God’s will for a new permanent teaching position this fall. And last, I am going to Guatamela in three weeks for a mission trip! I’m praying for God’s safety, will and glory.
Will you join me? And let me know if you have any prayers also. God bless.